Sunday, April 13, 2008

A picture is worth a thousand words... and a wookie on drums

Leia singing, Luke, Han Solo and Vader on guitars. Wookie on the drums. Commentary on the characters as modern-day rockstars? YOU BE THE JUDGE.


courage, jack said...

i'm not exactly sure what is postmodern about this or the post with the radio, to be honest.

could anyone explain it a little more? if only for my benefit, maybe?

Kelsey said...

I was thinking the juxtaposition of old with the new in an "ironic fashion." Modernists tried to forget the past and only create new, and the "better." Postmodernists were comfortable with and preferred a mixing of past and present. They were aware newer doesn't always mean better.


Hearing current, popular music coming out of a 1930's radio. Also, putting the characters from a late 70s, early 80s movie (Star Wars) into the roles of rock stars, which is something also current with the boom in garage bands, etc. You could also go with the mixing of timelines, as the current with a simulation of the future, as Star Wars is somewhat futuristic.

Unknown said...

I just can't see postmodernism in a parody picture that's been around on the internet for sometime.
I think the mixing of past and present is interesting, but not entirely postmodern.