Monday, April 14, 2008

Blog tally and grading your blogging

So, here are my tallies for who has done how many posts.
Please note that not all blog entries are created equal.
Some of you have posted amusing little tidbits.
Others have done some serious thinking, writing or creative posting (poems, video).
To the amusing little tidbitters: you may want to go over 10 of you're interested in a good grade for this portion of the course.
To the really serious posters: if you've posted a few really long, brilliant ones (coughcoughryanmaggie) rest assured that each one of those can count as two in the end. Remember, the instructions were to write about a page's worth, so a really long post is about two pages.

You will receive a grade and written "critique" at the end of the semester for your blogging.

OK, here's what I have. I count comments as posts. Let me know if you think I'm in error.

Maggie - 7
Ryan - 8
Laura - 4
Jeff - 4
Davyn - 2
Kelsey - 9
Blake - 0
Erica - 1
Leah - 1
Ben - 9
Julian - 0
Matt - 4
Rachel - 6
Marie - 8
Kristen - 4
Jess - 6

C'est tout.

Oh yeah - if anyone posts (substantially! no amusing tidbits here!) on either La Strada or the movie we watch at the end (TBA), that will count as two posts. BONUS!!

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