Saturday, May 3, 2008

few things with minimal meaning...

ive been very tired lately...

in fact i had a moment today where i had to question if i was high or not since i was in such a trance and didnt know if i was awake, and why these stupid ideas kept coming into my head. this started a few nights ago writing the paper...ask ben and jeff, they were there. or maybe they weren't...hmmm.

a while ago this person bought me a cd of short stories read by actors to a live audience in new york, one of the stories being raymond carver. im not gunna lie, all i kept it around for was that, the other ones on the cd didnt make me so interested.but in any event, i hadnt listened to it yet, and at a yard sale i just went home for i realized there was a pile of things my parents were selling of mine. this being one. mark picked it up, and had never heard or read the story cathedral by carver. well, one thing lead to another and yesterday i was riding in a car with cathedral being spoken by a weird guy and me not being able to stop thinking about house of leaves.

now this is where that 99% chance of me being high asleep or drugged on pomo comes in. but im just gunna get this out anyway...

in cathedral, carvers wife has a job reading documents and other papers to the blind man robert. (oh, oh, its like zampano!) then theres this whole thing of carver being worried that he's coming over, and awkward around a blind man. until finally, hes describing cathedrals to him, or at least trying to...and failing. but when he gets down on himself, the blind man takes his hand and they draw this building together. In my stupid head i couldnt get away from thinking how similar these two stories were, in this dumb way that raymond was johnny and robert was zampano.

again...ive been very tired lately.

1 comment:

Minotaur said...

What a find! This is what dorks like me live for.
You could always weave this into the final version of your paper, even referenced in one of the poems?? It's brilliant! And - also shows "intertextuality" - the idea that writing is about more writing (HOL is "about" other texts like Cathedral) and there are no "new" ideas.
Love it!