Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Notes on Hour of the Star

-Maca -- what?
-Béa, she was forced to repeat.
-Gosh it sounds like the name of a disease... a skin disease.

Olímpico - the embodiment of masculinity, ambition and vigor, savoir-faire, and a figure whose self worth rivals Jesus Christ.

Maca - an empty void, impressionable child, a misunderstanding girl with a misunderstanding body and a partial embodiment of Clarice Lispector.

Gloria - the survivalist and the sensual warlord and guerrilla of the urban backdrop.

Between them there is the archetype selection of people that can be grabbed not only from the cities of Brazil, but many different places around the world. Lispector, taking the voice of a man paints a bold, unsympathetic portrait of Macabéa. If a woman had narrated her life the audience might feel too much sympathy or cry.
Dying is a lot easier than showing many emotions in this story.

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